蒋骄云 副教授
联系方式:E-mail: Jiangjy@mailbox.dannishen.com
2016.09——2020.07 海南大学 水生生物学 博士
2009.09——2012.07 上海海洋大学 水生生物学 硕士
2005.09——2009.07 广西大学 水产养殖学 本科
2023.08——至今 广西师范大学 副教授
2022.08——2023.03 广西壮族自治区科学技术厅 规配处(借调)
2021.11——2023.08 广西大学、广西壮族自治区兽医所 博士后
2020.10——2023.08 广西师范大学 讲师
广西大学 资源与环境类别专业硕士研究生校外合作导师
海南大学 渔业专业硕士研究生校外合作导师
主要从事水生动物环境互作机制、水生生物学、水产养殖学相关研究。以珊瑚(虫黄藻)、鱼类、田螺等为研究对象,系统开展了环境变化、环境污染对水生生物的影响及其潜在适应机制相关研究。目前,在mSystems、Coral Reefs、Science of The Total Environment、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、Aquatic Toxicology等国内外期刊上发表学术论文20余篇,授权专利2件,参与完成译作1部;为Infectious Diseases of Poverty、Biological Journal of the Linnean Society、Frontiers in Microbiology等期刊审稿人。
1. 国家自然科学基金,32460254,2025.1-2028.12,32万元,在研,主持。
2. 广西科技厅,广西自然科学基金面上项目,2024JJA130017,2025.3-2028.2,10万元,在研,主持。
3. 广西科技厅,广西重点研发项目,桂科AB22080071,2022.06-2026.6,20万元,在研,主持(子课题)。
4. 广西教育厅,广西中青年能力提升项目,2021KY0056,2021.2-2022.12,3万元,结题,主持。
(1) Wei, J.Y., Wu, Y.Y., Cheng, C.X., Tan, H.Z., Li, L.L., Jiang, J.Y*. 2025. Responses of the mud snail Cipangopaludina cathayensis to thermal stress: Insights from metabolism, oxidative stress damage, and hepatopancreas transcriptional modulation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D, 54:101398. (中科院 二区, IF = 2.4)
(2) Cheng, C.X., Tian, W.F., Wu, Y.Y., Wei, J.Y., Yang, L., Wei, Y.W., Jiang, J.Y*. 2024. Microplastics have additive effects on cadmium accumulation and toxicity in Rice flower carp (Procypris merus). Science of The Total Environment, 930:172679. (中科院 一区TOP, IF = 9.8)
(3) Wu, Y.Y., Tian, W.F., Cheng, C.X., Yang, L., Ye, Q.Q., Li, W.H., Jiang, J.Y.* 2023. Effects of cadmium exposure on metabolism, antioxidant defense, immune function, and the hepatopancreas transcriptome of Cipangopaludina cathayensis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 264: 115416. (中科院 二区TOP, IF = 6.8)
(4) Cheng, C.X., Wu, Y.Y., Ye, Q.Q., Yao, Y.P., Li, L.X., Guo, Z.Q., Yang, L., Tian, W.F., Jiang, J.Y.* 2023. Individual and combined effects of microplastics and cadmium on intestinal histology and microflora of Procypris merus. Aquaculture Reports, 31:101659. (中科院 二区TOP, IF = 3.7)
(5) Jiang, J.Y., Li, W.H., Wu, Y.Y., Cheng, C.X., Ye, Q.Q., Feng, J.X., Xie, Z.X. 2022. Effects of cadmium exposure on intestinal microflora of Cipangopaludina cathayensis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:984757. (中科院 二区TOP, IF = 6.06)
(6) Wu, Y.Y., Tian, W.F., Chen, C.X., Ye, Q.Q., Yang, L., Jiang, J.Y.* 2022. Adaptive responses of the sea anemone Heteractis crispa to the interaction of acidification and global warming. Animals, 12(17):2259. (中科院 二区, IF = 3.23)
(7) Wu, Y.Y., Cheng, C.X., Yang, L., Ye, Q.Q., Li, W.H., Jiang, J.Y.* 2022. Characterization of gut microbiome in the mud snail Cipangopaludina cathayensis in response to high-temperature stress. Animals, 12(18):2361. (中科院 二区, IF = 3.23)
(8) Jiang, J.Y., Wang, A.Q., Deng, X.Z., Zhou, W.X., Gan, Q.H., Lu, Y.D. 2021. How Symbiodiniaceae meets the challenges of life during coral bleaching. Coral Reefs, 40:1339–1353. (中科院 二区, IF = 4.64)
(9) Lu, Y.D#., Jiang, J.Y#., Zhao, H.W., Han, X., Xiang, Y., Zhou, W.X. 2020. Clade-specific sterol metabolites in dinoflagellate endosymbionts are associated with coral bleaching in response to environmental cues. mSystems, 5:e00765-20. (中科院 二区, IF = 7.33)
(10) Jiang, J.Y., and Lu, Y.D. 2019. Metabolite profiling of Breviolum minutum in response to acidification. Aquatic Toxicology, 213:105215. (中科院 二区, IF = 4.96)