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【讲座预告】Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛第十四讲暨生物声学研究前沿论坛专题讲座(八)

发布时间:2022-11-11 作者: 浏览次数:10

【报告题目】:Beyond Biomonitoring: Illuminating the social ecology of wild great tits through combining long-term monitoring with automated tracking experiments

【报告主讲人】:Josh Firth, NERC Research Fellow; Dept. Biology, University of Oxford


【报告时间】: 2022年11月11日(周五)16:30




Josh Firth in Wytham Woods, Oxford, with two RFID-controlled automated bird feeders


Our fundamental understanding of diverse topics in ecology has benefitted significantly from long-term study populations that monitor individual animals over their entire lifetimes and across multiple generations. Now, the field of animal ecology is being rapidly transformed by novel technologies that provide high-resolution data on many individuals at once, allowing new insights into individuals’ interactions with one-another and how these interactions affect ecological processes. This seminar will discuss how new biomonitoring technologies have provided unique opportunities to gain new scientific insights from a long-term study population of wild Great tits (Parus major) in Wytham Woods, Oxford. The talk will focus on how long-term monitoring of this great tit population combined with in-depth knowledge of individuals’ life-histories has allowed the deployment of new research methods that are now furthering our understanding of the causes and consequences of social interactions. Specifically, this seminar will first examine the common challenges surrounding studying sociality in the wild, and how these challenges might be addressed by combining large-scale observational data with fine-scale experiments. Second, the seminar will discuss how these approaches within this wild bird population has provided broad insights into the structure and significance of ‘social networks’ for various aspects of ecology, ranging from foraging, territory structuring, breeding decisions, and the spread of information.


1. Beck K, Sheldon B & Firth JA. Social learning mechanisms shape transmission pathways through replicate great tit social networks. In Review (Preprint: bioRxiv: 10.1101/2022.06.23.497351)

2. Firth JA. et al. 2018. Personality shapes pair bonding in a wild bird social system. Nature Ecology & Evolution; DOI: 10.1038/s41559-018-0670-8

3. Firth JA. et al. 2017. Wild birds respond to flockmate loss by increasing their social network associations to others. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences; 284 (1854): 20170299. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0299

4. Firth, JA. & Sheldon, BC. 2016. Social carry-over effects underpin trans-seasonally linked structure in a wild bird population. Ecology Letters; 19 (11): 1324–1332. DOI: 10.1111/ele.12669

5. Firth, JA. et al. 2015. Experimental Evidence that Social Relationships Determine Individual Foraging Behavior. Current Biology; 25 (23): 3138–43. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.09.075

Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛简介

在中国科学院生物多样性委员会和Sino BON的支持下,从2021年10月起,由兽类多样性监测专项网(Sino BON-Mammal)发起和组织,联合国内外相关领域专家共同举办“Sino BON-Mammal 全球变化与野生动物交叉科学前沿论坛”(简称Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛)。Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛将邀请国内外专家学者,在科研监测、新技术新方法、数据挖掘和共享利用等方面展示和分享野生动物监测、保护管理研究领域的最新进展以及面临的挑战,促进国内外同行间的交流与合作,共同推动野生动物保护事业的更大发展。


为迎接COP15第二阶段会议召开,总结近年来我国在野生动物监测中取得的成果,探讨全球野生动物监测与保护的现状与发展对策,促进生物多样性监测与保护领域的学术交流与科研合作,提高生物多样性监测效力和自然保护工作成效,为履行国际生物多样性公约提供科学支撑。由中国科学院生物多样性委员会和中国生物多样性监测与研究网络(Sino BON)兽类网联合主办,北京生物多样性科学研究会、广西师范大学尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com、珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室、广西珍稀濒危动物生态学重点实验室、广西动物学会、MAB青年创新小组承办“第四届野生动物监测与保护学术研讨会暨生物声学研究前沿论坛”。本次研讨会是中国科学院生物多样性公约缔约方大会专项活动之一,诚邀您参加本次会议。因疫情影响举办延后,具体时间待通知。




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