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【讲座预告】Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛第九讲暨生物声学研究前沿论坛专题讲座(三)

发布时间:2022-10-28 作者: 浏览次数:14

【报告题目】Vocal acrobatics of African and Asian Primates: adaptations, similarities, and where we can go from what we know today

【报告主讲人】Marco Gamba, Faculty Associate Professor of Zoology; Dept. Life Sciences and Systems Biology, University of Turin, Italy


【报告时间】 2022年10月28日(周五),15:00 (Beijing Time)





The idea that human linguistic sounds are in every way a manifestation of superiority over the communicative abilities of other species is now considered obsolete. The study of the vocal repertoires of other primates can show how species, even phylogenetically close, display some similar and strongly divergent traits. This is particularly true when we consider Asian species, such as gibbons and snub-nosed monkeys or lemur species, such as Lemuridae and Indriidae. Studies of the vocal repertoire of these primates have shown, on the one hand, that there are many similarities between phylogenetically close species, but, on the other, that there are considerable differences that can be traced back to peculiar adaptations to the environments in which these species live or to the behavioural and social characteristics that distinguish them. In the case of the gibbons and indri, one of the unique features is undoubtedly the songs that the main family groups of these species exchange in the forest. Detailed analyses of these songs have shown the presence of unexpected rhythmic characteristics. In particular, the white-cheeked and yellow-cheeked gibbons and the Madagascar Indri have shown their songs display isochronous intervals. In the case of the indri, isochrony is not the only rhythmic category that occurs significantly; in fact, the 1:2 category is also typical of the songs of this species. The scenario that emerges from these studies outlines multiple perspectives for future studies. Will we be able to trace a phylogeny of rhythm that can elucidate the selective pressures that led to human rhythmic capacities? Will the study of vocalization types from a comparative perspective explain how social organization influenced the size of vocal repertoires?


1. Valente, D, Miaretsoa, L, Anania, A, Costa, F, Mascaro, A, Raimondi, T, De Gregorio, C, Torti, V, Friard, O, Ratsimbazafy, J, Giacoma, C, Gamba, M, Comparative analysis of the vocal repertoires of the indri (Indri indri) and the diademed sifaka (Propithecus diadema), International Journal of Primatology, 2022.

2. De Gregorio, C, Valente, D, Raimondi, T, Torti, V, Miaretsoa, L, Friard, O, Giacoma, C, Ravignani, A, Gamba, M, Categorical rhythms in a singing primate, Current Biology, 31, R1379-R1380, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.032, 2021.

3. Riondato, I, Gamba, M, Tan, CL, Niu, K, Narins, PM, Yang, Y, Giacoma C, Allometric escape and acoustic signal features facilitate high-frequency communication in an endemic Chinese primate. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 207, 3, 327-336, 2021.

4. Gamba, M, Torti, V, Estienne, V, Randrianarison, RM, Valente, D, Rovara, P, Bonadonna, G, Friard, O, Giacoma, C, The indris have got rhythm! Timing and pitch variation of a primate song examined between sexes and age classes. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 10, 00249, 2016.

5. Gamba, M, Friard, O, Riondato, I, Righini, R, Colombo, C, Miaretsoa, L, Torti, V, Nadhurou, B, Giacoma, C, Comparative analysis of the vocal repertoire of Eulemur: a dynamic time warping approach. International Journal of Primatology, 36, 5, 894-910, 2015.

Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛简介

在中国科学院生物多样性委员会和Sino BON的支持下,从2021年10月起,由兽类多样性监测专项网(Sino BON-Mammal)发起和组织,联合国内外相关领域专家共同举办“Sino BON-Mammal 全球变化与野生动物交叉科学前沿论坛”(简称Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛)。Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛将邀请国内外专家学者,在科研监测、新技术新方法、数据挖掘和共享利用等方面展示和分享野生动物监测、保护管理研究领域的最新进展以及面临的挑战,促进国内外同行间的交流与合作,共同推动野生动物保护事业的更大发展。


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