张志勇 二级教授
联系方式:E-mail: pinus-rubus@163.com;zhangzy@dannishen.com
2022.12–至今 广西师范大学尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,教授、博导;珍稀濒危动植物生态与环境保护教育部重点实验室,副主任
1. Cheng Zhou#, Hua Liang#, Wan Hu, Yi Yang, Xinmin Tian, Chie Tsutsumi, Dengmei Fan*, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2024. Molecular phylogeny of Enkianthus Lour. based on chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences with an emphasis on the origin of polyploid species. Scientia Horticulturae, 328: 112960.
2.Danqi Li#, Lu Jiang#, Wei He, Dengmei Fan, Shanmei Cheng, Yi Yang,Meixia Wang, Shaoqing Tang, Yixuan Kou*, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2024. Allopatric speciation and secondary sympatry of Fagus longipetiolata and F. lucida (Fagaceae) in subtropical China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. doi:10.1093/botlinnean/boad077.
3.Yixuan Kou, Dengmei Fan, Shanmei Cheng, Yi Yang, Meixia Wang, Yujin Wang*, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2023. Peripatric speciation within Torreya fargesii (Taxaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains inferred from multi-loci phylogeography. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 23:74.
4. Danqi Li#, Lu Jiang#, Hua Liang, Dahai Zhu, Dengmei Fan, Yixuan Kou, Yi Yang*, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2023. Resolving a nearly 90-year-old enigma: the rare Fagus chienii is conspecific with F. hayatae based on molecular and morphological evidence. Plant Diversity,45: 544–551.
5.Yi Yang, Lei Jiang, En-De Liu, Wei-Li Liu, Li Chen,Yi-Xuan Kou, Deng-Mei Fan, Shan-Mei Cheng, Zhi-Yong Zhang* and Hua Peng*. 2023. Time to update the sectional classification of Ilex (Aquifoliaceae): new insights from Ilex phylogeny, morphology and distribution. Journal of Systematics and Evolution.61: 1036–1046.
6.Hua Liang, Lu Jiang, Danqi Li, Yi Yang, Dengmei Fan*, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2022. A new synonym of Enkianthus (Ericaceae) in East Asia based on morphological and molecular evidence. PhytoKey, 214: 61–74.
7.Lu Jiang, Qin Bao, Wei He, Dengmei Fan, ShanmeiCheng, Jordi López-Pujol, Myong Gi Chung, Shota Sakaguchi, Arturo Sánchez González, Aysun Gedik, Dezhu Li, Yixuan Kou*, and Zhiyong Zhang*. 2022. Phylogeny and biogeographyof Fagus L. (Fagaceae) based on 28 nuclear single/low-copy loci. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 60(4): 759–772.
8.Dengmei Fan, Shuqing Lei, Hua Liang, Qi Yao, YixuanKou*, Shanmei Cheng, Yi Yang, Yingxiong Qiu, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2022. More opportunities more species: Pleistocene differentiation and northward expansion of an evergreenbroadleaved tree species Machilus thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. (Lauraceae)in southeast China. BMC Plant Biology, 22: 35.
9.Shanmei Cheng#, Weidong Zeng#, Jing Wang, Lei Liu, Hua Liang, Yixuan Kou, Hengchang Wang, Dengmei Fan*, ZhiyongZhang*. 2021. Species delimitation of Asteropyrum (Ranunculaceae) based on morphological, molecular, and ecological variation. Frontiers in Plant Science,12:681864.
10.Yixuan Kou, Li Zhang, Dengmei Fan, Dezhu Li,Richard G. J. Hodel, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2020. Evolutionary history of a relict conifer Pseudotaxus chienii (Taxaceae) during thelate Neogene. Annals of Botany, 125: 105-117.
11.Shuang Tian#, Yixuan Kou#, Zhirong Zhang#, Lin Yuan, Derong Li, Jordi López-Pujol, DengmeiFan*, ZhiyongZhang*. 2018. Phylogeography of Eomecon chionanthain subtropical China: the dual roles of the Nanling Mountains as a glacialrefugium and a dispersal corridor. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18: 20.
12.Dengmei Fan#, Zhixia Sun#, Bo Li, Yixuan Kou, Richard G. J. Hodel, Zhirong Jin, ZhiyongZhang*. 2017.Dispersal corridors for plant species in the Poyang Lake Basin of southeast China identified by integration of phylogeographic and geospatial data. Ecology and Evolution, 7(14): 5140-5148.
13.Yi-Xuan Kou, Kun Xiao, Xiao-Rong Lai, Yu-Jin Wang, Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2017. Natural hybridization between Torreya jackii and T.grandis (Taxaceae) in southeast China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 55: 25-33.
14.Dengmei Fan#, Wan Hu#, Bo Li, Ashley B. Morris,Min Zheng, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Zhiyong Zhang*. 2016. Idiosyncratic responses of evergreen broad-leaved forest constituents in China to the late Quaternary climate changes. Scientific Reports, 6: 31044.
15.Yixuan Kou#, Shanmei Cheng#, Shuang Tian#, Bo Li, Dengmei Fan, Yongjun Chen, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Zhiyong Zhang*.2016. The antiquity of Cyclocarya paliurus (Juglandaceae) provides new insights into the evolution of relict plants insubtropical China since the late early-Miocene. Journal of Biogeography,43: 351-360.
16.Shuang Tian#, Shuqing Lei#, Wan Hu#, Lingli Deng, Qinglin Meng, Bo Li, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Dengmei Fan*, Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2015.Repeated range expansions andinter-/postglacial recolonization routes of Sargentodoxa cuneata (Oliv.) Rehd. et Wils. (Lardizabalaceae) in subtropical China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 85: 238-246.
17.胡菀, 罗意, 阳亿, 张志勇, 范邓妹*. 2014. 野生桂花的遗传多样性和遗传结构研究. 园艺学报.41(7): 1427-1435.
18.熊敏, 田双, 范邓妹, 张志勇*. 2014. 华木莲群体遗传结构和保护单元研究. 生物多样性. 22(4): 476-484.
19.Zhi-Yong Zhang*, Rong Wu, Qun Wang, Zhi-Rong Zhang, Deng-Mei Fan, Jordi López-Pujol, De-Zhu Li*.2013. Comparative phylogeography of two sympatric beeches in subtropical China: Species-specific geographic mosaic of lineages. Ecology and Evolution,3(13): 4461-4472.
20.Ming Lei, Qun Wang, Zhen-Jian Wu, JordiLópez-Pujol, De-Zhu Li*, and Zhi-YongZhang*. 2012. Molecular phylogeography of Fagus engleriana (Fagaceae) in subtropical China: limited admixture among multiple refugia. Tree Genetics andGenomes, 8: 1203-1212.
21.Shi-Quan Guo, Min Xiong, Zhi-RongZhang, De-Zhu Li & Zhi-Yong Zhang*. 2011. Molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of Osmanthus Lour. (Oleaceae) and related genera based on three chloroplast intergenic spacers. Plant Systematic and Evolution 294: 57-64.
22.Qing-Jun Yuan#, Zhi-Yong Zhang#, Lu-Qi Huang, Juan Hu, Lan-Ping Guo and Ai-Juan Shao. 2010. Impacts of modern cultivation on genetic diversity pattern of a medicinal plant, Scutellaria baicalensis (Lamilaceae). BMCGenetics, 11:29.
23.Zhi-Rong Zhang, Lai-Chun Luo, Ding Wuand Zhi-Yong Zhang*.2009. Two genetically distinct units of Sinomanglietia glauca (Magnoliaceae) detected by chloroplast PCR-SSCP. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 47:110-114.
24.Shuang Tian, Lai-Chun Luo, Song Ge and Zhi-YongZhang*. 2008. Clear population structure of Pinus kwangtungensis (Pinaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA fragment with a novel minisatellite. Annals of Botany 102:69-78.
25.Qing-Jun Yuan, Zhi-Yong Zhang*, Hua Peng* andSong Ge. 2008. Chloroplast phylogeography of Dipentodon (Dipentodontaceae) in southwest China and northernVietnam. Molecular Ecology,17:1054-1065.
26.Zhi-Yong Zhang, Xiao-Ming Zheng and Song Ge*. 2007. Population genetic structure of Vitex negundo (Verbenaceae) inThree-Gorge Area of the Yangtze River: the river barriers to seed dispersal in plants. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35: 506-516.
27.Zhi-Yong Zhang, Yong-Yan Chen and De-Zhu Li*. 2005. Detection of lowgenetic variation in a critically endangered Chinese pine, Pinus squamatausing RAPD and ISSR markers. Biochemical Genetics, 43(5):239-249.
28.Zhi-Yong Zhang and De-Zhu Li*. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of section Parryaof Pinus based on matK gene sequence data. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (formerly Acta BotanicaSinica), 46(2):171-179.
29.Zhi-Yong Zhang, Jun-Bo Yang and De-Zhu Li*.2003.Phylogenetic relationship of the extremely endangered species, Pinus squamata (Pinaceae) inferred from four sequences of the chloroplast genome and ITS of the nuclear genome. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (formerly Acta Botanica Sinica), 45(5): 530-535.