梁语 副教授
2009-2013 南京农业大学,植物保护学院,学士
2013-2018 华中科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,博士
2019年至今 广西师范大学, 尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,教师
2023-2024 McGill University, Canada, Visiting Professor
Plant Physiology, HorticulturalPlant Journal, Plant cell reports, Industrial crops and products等多个学术期刊审稿人;广西科技专家库专家;CNKI中国知网专家库专家
研究生课程:Molecular Ecology(研究生全英文课程)
Peer-Reviewed Journal:
1. YuLiang, Kai, Lu, Shaobo,Jinye, Shuyao, Lingzhi, Senying, Yongtai, Jianwei, Jun, Shisheng, Baoshan, andMaoteng Li*. Drought responsive genes, late embryogenesis abundant group3 (LEA3) and vicinal oxygen chelate (VOC), function in lipid accumulation inBrassica napus and Arabidopsis mainly via enhancing photosynthetic efficiencyand reducing ROS , PlantBiotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(11),DOI:10.1111/pbi.13127. (First-Author)
2. XionghuaLi, Huimin Liang, Jiayu Liang, Jiangming Ma, Yang Huang, YuLiang*. Understorycultivation of medicinal plants promotes sustainable forestry development.Agroforest Syst 2025, 99, 39.doi.org/10.1007/s10457-025-01141-8(Co-corresponding author)
3. JianxiuLiu†, Danjuan Zeng†, Yang Huang†, Lisha Zhong, Jialin Liao, Yuxing Shi, HaiduJiang, Yajin Luo, Yu Liang* and Shengfeng Chai*. The structure and diversity ofbacteria and fungi in the roots and rhizosphere soil of three different speciesof Geodorum. BMC Genomics.2024, 25:222.doi.org/10.1186/s12864-024-10143-2(Co-correspondingauthor)
4. JialinLiao#, Shaolei Xu#, Lisha Zhong#, Jiayu Liang, Jianxiu Liu, Yuxing Shi,Jiashuang Qin, Yanhua Mo, Jiangming Ma, Yang Huang*, YuLiang*.Growth andTranscriptional Regulation of Camellia sinensis Planted in Understory Mode Revealedby Transcriptomic, Metagenomic, and Machine-Vision Analyses Journal of SoilScience and Plant Nutrition, 24, 5410–5435, 2024.doi.org/10.1007/s42729-024-01916-5(Co-corresponding author)
5. YingyingLu#, Huimin Liang#, Jialin Liao#, Xianglong Li, Yinxia Rong, Ruyin Mo, JianminTang, Maoteng Li, Xiangdong Kong*, Yang Huang*,Yu Liang*. Chromosome-scaleassembly and analysis of yellow Camellia (Camellia limonia) genome reveal plantadaptation mechanism and flavonoid biosynthesis in karst region. Global Ecologyand Conservation, 56, 2024, e03296, doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2024.e03296.(Co-corresponding author)
6. ZongjiZhang#, Xionghua Li#, Ri Ming#, Yingying Lu, Qinwen Lin, Yafei Yang, JialinLiao, Yunjuan Li, Lingli Mao, Yang Huang*, Li Zhong*, YuLiang*.Microscopicalobservation and transcriptome analysis reveal the effects of high altitudeecosystem in the qualities of different genetic varieties Brassica napusresources. Ecology and Evolution. 2024.DOI: 10.1002/ECE3.70616。(Co-corresponding author)
7. Lisha Zhong,Yuxing Shi, Jianxiu Liu, Sisi Xie, Xinhui Huang, Yujie Li1, Chaofan Qu, ShaoleiXu, Yang Huang*, Yu Liang*.Heterologousoverexpression of heat shock protein 20 genes of different species of yellowCamellia in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals their roles in high calciumresistance. BMC Plant Biol 24 (5), 2024. doi.org/10.1186/s12870-023-04686-x. (Co-corresponding author)
8. Jianxiu Liu, Haidu Jiang, Yang Huang, LishaZhong,Qin Xu, Quanguang Yang, Shengyuan Liu, Xiao Wei1,YuLiang* and ShengfengChai*. Combined analysis of metagenome and transcriptome revealed the adaptivemechanism of different golden Camellia species in karst regions, Front. PlantSci. 2023, 14:1180472. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1180472 (Co-correspondingauthor)
9. Yu Liang*†, Yang Huang†, Chunni Liu, Kang Chen, Maoteng Li*,Functions and interaction of plant lipid signalling under abiotic stresses,Plant Biology. 2023, doi:10.1111/plb.13507 (First-Author andco-corresponding author)
10. Yu Liang*†, Yang Huang†, Kang Chen, Xiangdong Kong, MaotengLi*, Characterization of non-specific lipid transfer protein (nsLtp) genefamilies in the Brassica napus pangenome reveals abundance variation. BMC PlantBiology, 2022, 22:21, (First-Author and co-corresponding author)
11. Jiayu Liang†, Rong Zou†, Yang Huang†, HuizhenQin, Jianmin Tang, Xiao Wei*, Yu Liang* and Shengfeng Chai*. Structureand diversity of mycorrhizal fungi communities of different part ofBulbophyllum tianguii in three terrestrial environments, Front. Plant Sci.2022, 13:992184. (Co-corresponding author)
12. Chunni Liu, Yang Huang, Yu Liang*. AdaptiveMechanism Exploration of Camellia limonia in Karst High Calcium Environment byIntegrative Analysis of Metabolomics and Metagenomics. Tropical plant biology,2022, doi.org/10.1007/s12042-021-09308-0. (corresponding author)
13. Kang Chen, Yang Huang, Chunni Liu, YuLiang*, Maoteng Li*. Transcriptome profile analysis of Arabidopsis reveals the drought stress-induced long non-coding RNAsassociated with photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis, fatty acid synthesis anddegradation. Front. Plant Sci. 2021, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.643182. (Co-corresponding author)
14. Chunni Liu†, Yang Huang†, Feng Wu, WenjingLiu, Yiqiu Ning, Zhenrong Huang, Shaoqing Tang, Yu Liang*,Plant adaptability in karst regions. Journal of PlantResearch, 2021, doi.org/10.1007/s10265-021-01330-3, (corresponding author)
15. Yongtai Yin, Zhenyi Guo, Kang Chen, TianTian, Jiajun Tan, Xinfeng Chen, Jing Chen, Bing Yang, Shuxian Tang, KangfuPeng, Si Liu, Yu Liang, Kai Zhang, Longjiang Yu, Maoteng Li*. Ultra-Highα-Linolenic Acid Accumulating Developmental Defective Embryo was Rescued byLysophosphatidic Acid Acyltransferase 2. 2020,The Plant Journal,DOI:10.1111/tpj.14889
16. Kang Chen#, Yongtai Yin #,Si Liu, Zhenyi Guo, Kai Zhang, Yu Liang, Lina Zhang, Weiguo Zhao, HongboChao, Maoteng Li*. Genome-wide identification and functional analysis ofoleosin genes in Brassica napus L.BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 0-294.
17. Yu Liang, Neng Wan, Zao Cheng, Yufeng Mo, Baolin Liu, Hui Liu,Nadia Raboanatahiry,Yongtai Yin and Maoteng Li*,Whole-Genome Identification andExpression Pattern of the Vicinal Oxygen Chelate Family in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Frontiers in plantscience, 8(745), 2017, 5. (First-Author)
18. Yu Liang, Ziyi Xiong, Jianxiao Zheng, Dongyang Xu, Zeyang Zhu,Jun Xiang, Jianping Gan, Nadia Raboanatahiry, Yongtai Yin and Maoteng Li*.Genome-wide identification, structural analysis and new insights into lateembryogenesis abundant (LEA) genefamily formation pattern in Brassicanapus (2016). Scientific reports,, 2016, 6:24265, 3. (First-Author)
Oral Presentation:
- International Conference on GermplasmResources (2016)
- Forum of Plant Science in Chinese Academyof Sciences (2017)
- XIX International Botanical Congress (2017)
- Bioscience Ph. D Forum of Universities inCentral China (2017)
Poster Presentation
2nd Sino-German Rapeseed Symposium:Geneticsand Biotechnology of Rapeseed, Kiel, Germany (2016)