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发布时间:2023-12-27 作者: 浏览次数:3934

         王海苗       副教授/植物生物学教研室主任











        2016.10-2017.11,Universityof Georgia (美国)联合培养博士。







        1. 主持广西自然科学基金(面上项目)“广西喀斯特石山克隆植物红背山麻杆耐旱性生理适应机制研究”(2024-2027)

        2. 主持广西科技基地和人才专项“钾素缓解棉花产量形成中土壤渍水胁迫效应的生理机制研究”(2020-2022)

        3. 主持广西自然科学基金(青年基金)“增温与土壤渍水互作影响棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)叶片光合产物形成与运转的研究”(2019-2022)

        4. 主持广西师范大学可持续发展创新项目“红背山麻杆对漓江流域喀斯特生境的适应性生长特性研究”(2021-2023)

        5. 主持广西师范大学重点科研项目“高温与渍水互作影响棉花叶片光合作用研究”(2019-2021)



        1. Pan Yang#, Li Huang#, Suni He,Xianghua Zeng, Yinyi Chen, Haimiao Wang*. Adaptive strategies employed by clonal plants inheterogeneous patches, Forests, 2023, 14: 1648.

        2. Li Huang,Jinxiang Li, Pan Yang, Xianghua Zeng, Yinyi Chen, Haimiao Wang*. Potassium application alleviatednegative effects of soil waterlogging stress on photosynthesis and dry biomassin cotton, Agronomy, 2023, 13: 1157.

        3. Jiangmign Ma#, Yanhua Mo#,Li Huang, Xiaomei Pan, Jing Huang, HaimiaoWang*. Plant functional classifications based on leaf traits in asubtropical Karst landscape, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2023, 55(6):2171-2177.

        4. HaimiaoWang#*, Xuanyuan Liu#,Pan Yang, Rongzhen Wu, Shuyi Wang, Suni He, Qihai Zhou*. Potassium applicationpromote cotton acclimation to soil waterlogging stress by regulating endogenousprotective enzymes activities and hormones contents, Plant Physiology andBiochemistry, 2022, 185: 336-343.

        5. John L. Snider*,Cristiane Pilon, Wei Hu, Haimiao Wang, Viktor Tishchenko, WilliamSlaton, Daryl Chastain, Ved Parkash. Net photosynthesis acclimates to lowgrowth temperature in cotton seedlings by shifting temperature thresholds for photosyntheticcomponent processes and respiration[J].Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 196: 1-12.

        6. Bingjie Xu, YinglongChen, Haimiao Wang, Wenqing Zhao,Zhiguo Zhou*. Elevated temperature and waterlogging decreasecotton seed quality by altering the accumulation and distribution ofcarbohydrates, oil and protein[J].Physiologia Plantarum, 2021, 171: 108-124.

        7. HaimiaoWang, Yinglong Chen, WeiHu, John L Snider, Zhiguo Zhou*. Short-term soil-waterlogging contributes tocotton cross tolerance to chronic elevated temperature by regulating ROSmetabolism in the subtending leaf[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2019,139: 333-341.

        8. HaimiaoWang, Kai Gao, Sheng Fang, Zhiguo Zhou*. Cotton yield and defoliationefficiency in response to N and harvest aids[J]. Agronomy Journal, 2019, 111:1-7.

        9. Yinglong Chen, Binglin Chen, Haimiao Wang, Wei Hu, Shanshan Wang,Zhiguo Zhou*. Combined elevated temperature and soil waterloggingstresses limit fibre biomass accumulation and fibre quality formation bydisrupting protein activity during cotton fibre development[J]. Functional Plant Biology, 2019, 46: 715-724.

        10. Haimiao Wang, Yinglong Chen, Bingjie Xu, Wei Hu, John L Snider,Yali Meng, Binglin Chen, Youhua Wang, Wenqing Zhao, Shanshan Wang, Zhiguo Zhou*.Long-term exposure to slightly elevated air temperature alleviates the negativeimpacts of short term waterlogging stress by altering nitrogen metabolism incotton leaves[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 123: 242-251.

        11. Wei Hu, John L Snider, Haimiao Wang, Zhiguo Zhou*, DarylR Chastain, Jared Whitaker, Calvin D Perry, Freddie M Bourland. Water-inducedvariation in yield and quality can be explained by altered yield componentcontributions in field-grown cotton[J].Field Crops Research, 2018, 224: 139-147.

        12. Haimiao Wang, Yinglong Chen, Wei Hu, Shanshan Wang, John L Snider,Zhiguo Zhou*. Carbohydrate metabolism in the subtending leaf cross-acclimatesto waterlogging and elevated temperature stress and influences boll biomass incotton (Gossypium hirsutum)[J].Physiologia Plantarum, 2017, 161: 339-354.

        13. Yinglong Chen, HaimiaoWang, Wei Hu, Shanshan Wang, John L Snider, Zhiguo Zhou*. Co-occurringelevated temperature and waterlogging stresses disrupt cellulose synthesis byaltering the expression and activity of carbohydrate balance-associated enzymesduring fiber development in cotton[J]. Environmental and Experimental Botany,2017, 135: 106-117.

        14. Yinglong Chen, Haimiao Wang, Wei Hu, Shanshan Wang, Youhua Wang, John L Snider,Zhiguo Zhou*. Combined elevated temperature and soil waterlogging stressesinhibit cell elongation by altering osmolyte composition of the developingcotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)fiber[J]. Plant Science, 2017, 256: 196-207.

        15. 黄丽, 刘兴淋,胡秋玲, 何珊, 邓淑焜,王海苗*. 幼苗期不同花生品种的耐渍性评价[J]. 广西师范大学学报( 自然科学版), 2024.

        16. 杨盼, 黄莹, 岑丽捷, 黄丽, 王海苗*. 红背山麻杆碳氮磷钾的分布及其计量比特征[J]. 广西师范大学学报( 自然科学版), 2023, 41(6): 169-178.

        17. 周俊妞, 梅军林, 马姜明*, 张雅君, 王海苗, 菅瑞. 桂林喀斯特生境红背山麻杆克隆繁殖特征[J]. 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 38(03): 110-116.

        18. 周俊妞, 黄婧, 马姜明*, 莫燕华, 王海苗. 桂林喀斯特石山50种常见植物叶片养分特征及其适应性差异[J]. 生态学报, 2020, 40(17): 1-9.


        罗晓曙,王海苗,孙小军,蒙志明,刘灵. 常用中草药栽培创业,广西师范大学出版社, ISBN:9787559842336,2019年9月.


        代成龙,王海苗,李春明,彭雁琴. 一种红背山麻杆克隆培养用花盆及其配套装置,ZL2019.22257227.5,2020年9月.

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