范鹏来 教授
联系方式:E-mail: fanpl@mailbox.dannishen.com;fanpl_monkey@126.com
2014.09 至 2018.01,北京师范大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,生态学,博士
2010.09 至 2013.06,西南林业大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,动物学,硕士
2006.09 至 2010.06,湖北中医药大学,检验学院,生物技术,学士
2024.12 至今,广西师范大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,教授(破格)
2021.12 至 2024.11,广西师范大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,副教授
2020.09 至 2021.11,广西师范大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,讲师
2019.06 至 2023.01,中国科学院动物研究所,博士后
2018.07 至 2020.09,中国计量大学,尊龙凯时人生就是博z6com,讲师
2015.11 至 2016.01,英国索尔福德大学 Robert Young 实验室,学术访问
中国动物学会动物行为学分会 委员兼副秘书长
中国动物学会灵长类学分会 理事
国际动物学会青年科学家小组 成员
广西动物学会 常务理事兼副秘书长
Integrative Zoology 青年编委
兽类学报 青年编委
2021年 “优秀青年动物生态学工作者”称号
2022年 灵长类学首届“优秀青年学者”称号
2023年 获得广西师范大学“优秀科研工作者”称号
2014年以来担任纪录片《金丝猴王国:勇者的世界》、《我们诞生在中国》、《完美星球》、《未至之境》科学顾问,为iScience, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Integrative Zoology,Current Zoology,兽类学报等国内外期刊审稿专家
主持校级教改项目 1 项
指导本科生获得全国大学生生命科学竞赛一等奖1项、二等奖 1 项、广西区赛一等奖和三等奖各 2 项
先后主持各类项目 10 余项,主要项目如下:
在Science, Science Advances, Current Biology, Zoological Research, Animal Cognition, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, American Journal of Primatology等国内外期刊上发表科研论文30多篇,主要论文如下。
1. Penglai Fan, Michael Lawes, Ruoshuang Liu, Qihai Zhou*. 2024, Hope for limestone langurs' conservation, 384: 855, Science. (JCR1区,中科院大区1区top)
2. Yinghong Xie, Yinshu Liu, Yifeng Li, Yanhong Zhong, Ruoshuang Liu *, Penglai Fan *. 2024. Enriched social environment affects the utterance of acoustic signals of captive François' langurs, 277: 106351, Applied Animal Behaviour Science. (JCR1区,中科院大2区)
3. Yanju Ma, Xuefeng Liu, Shuliao Tian, Yanxia Ni, Song Wang, Xin He, Zongjin Huan, Huiwen Huang, Wu Chen, Chao Peng, Rong Chen, Lihai Shang, Penglai Fan *. 2024. Characteristics of fecal mercury and methylmercury and risks to captive golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in China, 51: e02890, Global Ecology and Conservation. (JCR1区,中科院大2区)
4. Wei Yao#, Chengming Huang#, Jiaxin Zhao, Rong Huang, Wenhua Li, Penglai Fan *, Qihai Zhou *. 2024. Feeding adaptation of François' langurs (Trachypithecus francoisi) to the fragmented limestone habitats in Southwest China, 14: e11269, Ecology and evolution. (JCR 2区,中科院大2区)
5. Haigang Ma#, Zidi Wang#, Pu Han, Penglai Fan, Colin A. Chapman, Paul A. Garber, Pengfei Fan*. 2024. Small apes adjust rhythms to facilitate song coordination. Current Biology, 34:1-11. (JCR1区,中科院大1区top)
6. Bojun Yi, Song Wang, Tao Sun, Ruoshuang Liu, Michael J. Lawes, Li Yang, Xuefeng Liu, Yifeng Li, Chengming Huang, Qihai Zhou*, Penglai Fan*. 2023. Maternal parity influences the birth sex ratio and birth interval of captive Francois’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77: 140. (JCR1区,中科院大2区)
7. Penglai Fan, Jiaxing Li, Liting Yang, Tao Sun, Shijun Wu, Cyril C. Grueter, Chengming Huang, Qihai Zhou*, Ming Li*. 2022. Vocal repertoire of the critically endangered white-headed langur (Trachypithecus leucocephalus): Call types, acoustic structures, and related social-ecological contexts. Zoological Research, 43: 876-880. (JCR1区,中科院大1区)
8. Liting Yang#, Tao Sun#, Yingming Zhou, Chuangbin Tang, Chengming Huang, Penglai Fan*, Qihai Zhou*. 2022. Pattern of play behavior in infant (age 1 to 12 months) white- headed langurs in limestone forests, southwest China. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e9160. (JCR2区,中科院大2区)
9. Penglai Fan, Xin He, Yuzhao Yang, Xuefeng Liu, Haibo Zhang, Li Yuan, Wu Chen, Dingzhen Liu*, Pengfei Fan*. 2021. Reproductive parameters of captive female northern white-cheeked (Nomascus leucogenys) and yellow-cheeked (Nomascus gabriellae) gibbons. International Journal of Primatology, 42: 49-63. (JCR1区,中科院大3区)
10. Penglai Fan, Ruoshuang Liu, Cyril Grueter, Fang Li, Feng Wu, Tianpeng Huang, Hui Yao, Dingzhen Liu*, Xuecong Liu*. 2019. Individuality in coo calls of adult male golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) living in a multilevel society, Animal Cognition, 22: 71-79. (JCR1区,中科院大2区top)
11. Penglai Fan, Yiming Li, Craig Stanford, Fang Li, Zetian Liu, Kaihua Yang, Xuecong Liu*. 2019. Home range size of two differently sized groups of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in Shennongjia, China: implications for intragroup feeding competition, Zoological Research, 40: 121-128. (JCR1区,中科院大1区top)
12. Zuofu Xiang*, Penglai Fan, Haochun Chen, Liu Ruoshuang, Bo Zhang, Wanji Yang, Hui Yao, Paul Garber, Ming Li*. 2019. Routine allomaternal nursing in a free-ranging Old World monkey, Science Advances, 5: eaav0499. (JCR1区,中科院大1区top)
13. Penglai Fan#, Xuecong Liu#, *, Ruoshuang Liu, Fang Li, Tianpeng Huang, Feng Wu, Hui Yao, Dingzhen Liu*. 2018. Vocal repertoire of free-ranging adult golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), American Journal of Primatology, 80: e22869. (JCR1区,中科院大3区)
14. Xuecong Liu#, Penglai Fan#, Rongxiao Che, Huan Li, Lina Yi, Na Zhao, Fang Li*, Zhigang Jiang*. 2018. Fecal bacterial diversity of wild Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), American Journal of Primatology, 80: e22753. (JCR1区,中科院大3区)
15. Penglai Fan, Chanyuan Liu, Hongyi Chen, Xuefeng Liu, Dapeng Zhao, Jinguo Zhang, Dingzhen Liu*. 2017. Preliminary study on hand preference in captive northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys). Primates, 58: 1-8. (JCR2区,中科院大3区)
16. 李家兴, 周颖铭, 黄乘明, 范鹏来*, 周岐海*. 2024. 白头叶猴婴猴月龄和性别对母婴关系的影响. 兽类学报, 44: 58-64.
17. 马海港, 范鹏来*. 2023. 被动声学监测技术在陆生哺乳动物研究中的应用、进展和展望. 生物多样性, 31: 22374.
18. 郭秋燕#, 韦晓#, 陆媚静, 范鹏来*, 周岐海*. 非人灵长类肠道微生物研究进展与展望. 兽类学报, 43: 69-81.
19. 杨丽婷, 刘学聪, 范鹏来*, 周岐海*. 2021. 中国非人灵长类声音通讯研究进展. 广西师范大学学报(自然版), 39: 1-9.